Distance between Green pin with letter A Woodville and Red pin with letter B Whitianga

242.97 mi Straight Distance

0 mi Driving Distance

0 seconds Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Woodville (Manawatu-Wanganui) and Whitianga (Waikato) is 242.97 mi, but the driving distance is 0 mi.

It takes 6 hours 54 mins to go from Woodville to Whitianga.

Driving directions from Woodville to Whitianga

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 390.95 km.      Route distance: 0.00 km

Woodville, New Zealand

Latitude: -40.3361 // Longitude: 175.863

Photos of Woodville

Manawatu Gorge looking towards the wind turbines on the southern Ruahine Range near Woodville Brick Warehouse by Tony Reid Train vs land slip Tui in the snow (Scan). Saddle Road, Ashhurst Established Right Here in 1889 wind turbines above Manawatu Gorge Track n Tunnel Gorge Walk 2010 - 1

Woodville Weather

few clouds

Predicción: Few clouds
Temperatura: 22.5°
Humedad: 56%

Hora actual: 11:45 AM
Amanece: 06:40 AM
Anochece: 08:20 PM

Whitianga, New Zealand

Latitude: -36.8218 // Longitude: 175.7

Photos of Whitianga

Mercury Bay Sunrise Ring of Clouds, Whitianga, Coromnadel Punga Fern Lonely Bay, Coromandel peninsula, North Island, New Zealand Sunrise at Ferry Landing 02 Rostlaube

Whitianga Weather

overcast clouds

Predicción: Overcast clouds
Temperatura: 21.1°
Humedad: 64%

Hora actual: 11:45 AM
Amanece: 06:47 AM
Anochece: 08:15 PM