Distance between Green pin with letter A Whenuakura and Red pin with letter B Koputaroa

70.20 mi Straight Distance

99.20 mi Driving Distance

2 hours 9 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Whenuakura (Taranaki) and Koputaroa (Manawatu-Wanganui) is 70.20 mi, but the driving distance is 99.20 mi.

It takes 3 hours 45 mins to go from Whenuakura to Koputaroa.

Driving directions from Whenuakura to Koputaroa

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 112.95 km.      Route distance: 159.62 km

Whenuakura, New Zealand

Latitude: -39.743 // Longitude: 174.544

Photos of Whenuakura

Old Patea Cheese Grading Store 1134 Waipipi Iron Sands Beach near Waverley klasická maorská kánoe Waverley Rail Yard Waverley Beach cliffs SS Waitangi - Patea Beach 1137 Hydraulic engineering at Waipipi Iron Sands Beach near Waverley

Whenuakura Weather

few clouds

Predicción: Few clouds
Temperatura: 11.4°
Humedad: 87%

Hora actual: 07:48 PM
Amanece: 06:30 AM
Anochece: 06:07 PM

Koputaroa, New Zealand

Latitude: -40.5491 // Longitude: 175.353

Photos of Koputaroa

Have Faith and the Light Will Find You Foxton Windmill A dear little deer   From "The Loop" Oxford Street, looking South Mangahao Power Station - circa 1924 Windmill from "The Loop" Old rowing boat on the "Foxton Loop"

Koputaroa Weather

light rain

Predicción: Light rain
Temperatura: 12.8°
Humedad: 93%

Hora actual: 12:00 PM
Amanece: 06:27 AM
Anochece: 06:03 PM