Distance between Green pin with letter A Tuatapere and Red pin with letter B Toko

580.83 mi Straight Distance

872.23 mi Driving Distance

18 hours 18 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Tuatapere (Southland) and Toko (Taranaki) is 580.83 mi, but the driving distance is 872.23 mi.

It takes 19 hours 52 mins to go from Tuatapere to Toko.

Driving directions from Tuatapere to Toko

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 934.55 km.      Route distance: 1,403.42 km

Tuatapere, New Zealand

Latitude: -46.1358 // Longitude: 167.689

Photos of Tuatapere

Yesteryears... :) New Zealand, Tuatapere (2.12.2009). Moving House Tuatapere Sign Playground at Old School Tuatapere - Anglican Church Tuatapere Cemetery Humpridge Track, Tuatapere, Southland

Tuatapere Weather

few clouds

Predicción: Few clouds
Temperatura: 14.3°
Humedad: 77%

Hora actual: 08:27 PM
Amanece: 06:59 AM
Anochece: 09:07 PM

Toko, New Zealand

Latitude: -39.3234 // Longitude: 174.41

Photos of Toko

Sometimes bigger is just better....Ok but what ? green hills on forgotten wolrd highway

Toko Weather

clear sky

Predicción: Clear sky
Temperatura: 16.1°
Humedad: 64%

Hora actual: 12:00 PM
Amanece: 06:45 AM
Anochece: 08:27 PM