Distance between Green pin with letter A Tuatapere and Red pin with letter B Te Poi

707.15 mi Straight Distance

972.20 mi Driving Distance

19 hours 47 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Tuatapere (Southland) and Te Poi (Waikato) is 707.15 mi, but the driving distance is 972.20 mi.

It takes to go from Tuatapere to Te Poi.

Driving directions from Tuatapere to Te Poi

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 1,137.81 km.      Route distance: 1,564.26 km

Tuatapere, New Zealand

Latitude: -46.1358 // Longitude: 167.689

Photos of Tuatapere

Yesteryears... :) New Zealand, Tuatapere (2.12.2009). Moving House Tuatapere Sign Playground at Old School Tuatapere - Anglican Church Tuatapere Cemetery Humpridge Track, Tuatapere, Southland

Tuatapere Weather

broken clouds

Predicción: Broken clouds
Temperatura: 13.9°
Humedad: 51%

Hora actual: 11:20 AM
Amanece: 05:51 AM
Anochece: 09:31 PM

Te Poi, New Zealand

Latitude: -37.8725 // Longitude: 175.843

Photos of Te Poi

I site Mata mata (Hobbiton) New zealand Tirau (25 February 2007) Moving home somewhere on the road to Auckland in 1995 Hobbiton Finished house at Parkside Villas Matamata Parkside Village Looking West B&B Southern Belle Guest House - Matamata

Te Poi Weather

light rain

Predicción: Light rain
Temperatura: 17.8°
Humedad: 94%

Hora actual: 11:20 AM
Amanece: 05:47 AM
Anochece: 08:30 PM