Distance between Green pin with letter A Taharoa and Red pin with letter B Spring Creek

232.38 mi Straight Distance

393.71 mi Driving Distance

10 hours 23 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Taharoa (Waikato) and Spring Creek (Marlborough) is 232.38 mi, but the driving distance is 393.71 mi.

It takes 10 hours 35 mins to go from Taharoa to Spring Creek.

Driving directions from Taharoa to Spring Creek

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 373.90 km.      Route distance: 633.48 km

Taharoa, New Zealand

Latitude: -38.1507 // Longitude: 174.739

Photos of Taharoa

Coastal Vista near Taharoa ,Waikato A peek down to the ironsands mining operation Taharoa Beach, looking south Worth the long walk Taharoa Beach, looking north (low tide) Lake Taharoa: no public access points Wet Plant move 27.1.01B

Taharoa Weather

clear sky

Predicción: Clear sky
Temperatura: 14.6°
Humedad: 51%

Hora actual: 12:00 AM
Amanece: 05:50 PM
Anochece: 06:28 AM

Spring Creek, New Zealand

Latitude: -41.4606 // Longitude: 173.962

Photos of Spring Creek

Blenhiem Railway Station McLAUCHLAN St Tua Marina Memorial The first Air-Mail sent from here Pollard Park Springcreek Hotel Taylor Rv Spring Creek Church

Spring Creek Weather

clear sky

Predicción: Clear sky
Temperatura: 17.0°
Humedad: 74%

Hora actual: 03:03 PM
Amanece: 06:52 AM
Anochece: 07:33 PM