Distance between Green pin with letter A Otaika and Red pin with letter B Opunake

254.60 mi Straight Distance

356.22 mi Driving Distance

6 hours 19 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Otaika (Northland) and Opunake (Taranaki) is 254.60 mi, but the driving distance is 356.22 mi.

It takes 7 hours 10 mins to go from Otaika to Opunake.

Driving directions from Otaika to Opunake

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 409.64 km.      Route distance: 573.16 km

Otaika, New Zealand

Latitude: -35.7862 // Longitude: 174.306

Photos of Otaika

Whangarei Harbour  1993 Mangrove Walk in Onerahi Raumanga Falls Whangarei Heritage Park "Dad, not another Nissen Hut" near Waipu First of several boatyards on way to Whangarei Interesting sculpture on the shore

Otaika Weather

overcast clouds

Predicción: Overcast clouds
Temperatura: 10.1°
Humedad: 98%

Hora actual: 06:33 AM
Amanece: 06:22 AM
Anochece: 06:13 PM

Opunake, New Zealand

Latitude: -39.4539 // Longitude: 173.858

Photos of Opunake

Peter Snell Taranaki Low Tide Macrocarpa Picket - Opunake, Taranaki Middleton Bay Taranaki Shed "Mt Taranaki" (2518 m), "Heiliger Berg der Maori !" ,Opunake,  Neuseeland Februar 2011( L.Sandvoß) Opunake Beach Opunake Beach

Opunake Weather

scattered clouds

Predicción: Scattered clouds
Temperatura: 9.5°
Humedad: 83%

Hora actual: 06:33 AM
Amanece: 06:24 AM
Anochece: 06:14 PM