Distance between Green pin with letter A Ohangai and Red pin with letter B Ohakune

55.02 mi Straight Distance

113.83 mi Driving Distance

2 hours 30 mins Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Ohangai (Taranaki) and Ohakune (Manawatu-Wanganui) is 55.02 mi, but the driving distance is 113.83 mi.

It takes 2 hours 29 mins to go from Ohangai to Ohakune.

Driving directions from Ohangai to Ohakune

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 88.52 km.      Route distance: 183.16 km

Ohangai, New Zealand

Latitude: -39.585 // Longitude: 174.389

Photos of Ohangai

Naumai Park, Hawera Tawhiti Museum 2 Mount Taranaki at Sunset, View from Turuturumokai, Hawera

Ohangai Weather

clear sky

Predicción: Clear sky
Temperatura: 13.4°
Humedad: 72%

Hora actual: 12:00 AM
Amanece: 05:44 PM
Anochece: 07:28 AM

Ohakune, New Zealand

Latitude: -39.418 // Longitude: 175.398

Photos of Ohakune

moon rising at sunset on Mt Ruapehu Mangawhero Forest Walk Mount Ruapehu from Ohakune view to Mount Ruapehu from near Rangataua nz1025 old Hapuawhenua Viaduct River of Riverside Cottages Sunset near Ohakune

Ohakune Weather

clear sky

Predicción: Clear sky
Temperatura: 10.2°
Humedad: 86%

Hora actual: 12:00 AM
Amanece: 05:41 PM
Anochece: 07:23 AM