Distance between Green pin with letter A Hukerenui and Red pin with letter B Horeke

35.83 mi Straight Distance

49.16 mi Driving Distance

58 minutes Estimated Driving Time

The straight distance between Hukerenui (Northland) and Horeke (Northland) is 35.83 mi, but the driving distance is 49.16 mi.

It takes 58 mins to go from Hukerenui to Horeke.

Driving directions from Hukerenui to Horeke

Distance in kilometers

Straight distance: 57.65 km.      Route distance: 79.09 km

Hukerenui, New Zealand

Latitude: -35.5196 // Longitude: 174.197

Photos of Hukerenui

Grass, Flax and Bush, near Kawakawa Up to the Pa Rocks near Waro Church in Hikurangi Maedow, North Island, New Zealand 1997 Waro Limestone Reserve

Hukerenui Weather

moderate rain

Predicción: Moderate rain
Temperatura: 14.6°
Humedad: 92%

Hora actual: 12:00 AM
Amanece: 06:23 PM
Anochece: 06:13 AM

Horeke, New Zealand

Latitude: -35.3561 // Longitude: 173.593

Photos of Horeke

Geologists delight Kohukohu Waiwere Boulders Wairere Boulders Warere Boulders Wairere Boulders Wairere Boulders Best food in Northland

Horeke Weather

light rain

Predicción: Light rain
Temperatura: 14.7°
Humedad: 97%

Hora actual: 01:32 PM
Amanece: 06:26 AM
Anochece: 06:16 PM